Whether you are looking to buy or sell ahome, we can help!
Buyers and sellers alike need knowledge on neighborhoods, pricing and market conditions. Regardless of which side of the sale you are on you’ll find yourself needing questions answered, paperwork managed and negotiations handled. You don’t need to know everything about buying or selling real estate — that’s our job!
Our team of real estate agents and support staff work out of the Coldwell Banker Crown Realtors office on Paul Bunyan Drive South. We are members of the National Association of Realtors and the Northwest Minnesota Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
We can help you purchase any property, including those that are for sale by owner and or those that have been foreclosed. Residential homes (especially lake homes and lakeshore property), land sales (including hunting land, farmland, and building lots) and commercial real estate are our specialties!
Feel free to call, email, or text:
Doug Hoover: (218) 766-5588 | doughoover@bemidjihomesearch.com
Melissa Hoover: (218) 556-4604 | melissa.bemidjihomesearch@gmail.com
Zach Miller: (218) 288-1054 | zachmiller@bemidjihomesearch.com
Use this site to find your next — or first! — Bemidji Area home.
Utilize the search bar at the top of this page to do an advanced search. Find homes by using the map search option, search by city, search by neighborhood development, and find foreclosures too. You can even search property by the specific lake that you’d like to live on.
Our city is amazing!
If you love spending time outdoors, enjoy local art and theater or you obsess over fitness classes, Bemidji has you covered. Don’t worry, foodies will have something to write home about too!
There are a few different colleges in the area to choose from including a Christian college, a technical college and a public state university on the lake. Fun Fact: Bemidji State University is ranked at #22 in the Top Public Schools of the Midwest.
Cost of living is lower than the national average, especially when it comes to housing. Bemidji Area Schools achieved higher than average test scores with smaller than average class sizes. See more details on the educational system here.
Follow the links below to see what Bemidji has to offer:
City and County Information
Gyms and Fitness Centers
Outdoor Activities
Restaurants and Grocery
Schools and Colleges
Utility Companies
Ways to Have Fun